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Service Work Checklist

Use this checklist to capture work performed for service visits.


Response Type


Service Order number:

Text Answer


Order Date:

Text Answer


Order Received By:

Text Answer


Expected Start Date:

Text Answer


Expected End Date:

Text Answer


What is the work area? (Please provide photos.)

Text Answer


Provide service and labor description:

Text Answer


List materials required and associated quantities:

Text Answer


Which workers logged hours against this task?

Text Answer


What equipment was required to complete this task?

Text Answer


Is the work complete? (Please provide photos.)

Yes No N/A


GC Superintendent/Property Manager (Client) Authorization


Free Download

Download our service work checklist

Need an easy way to capture work performed during service visits? Fill out the form to download our service work checklist as an editable PDF. We’ll also email you a copy. Then, work through each checklist item to document the process in detail.  

Download this service work checklist

two construction workers talking on jobsite.

What is service work in construction?

In construction, the definition of service work is any work that is completed to inspect, repair, or maintain a structure.

Service work can be routine maintenance performed on a regular basis. Or, it may be scheduled as a one-off project.

When is service work needed?

Common reasons for service work include:

  • Routine maintenance

  • Damage repairs

  • Building restorations

Routine maintenance

Regular upkeep helps maintain and preserve a structure’s functionality. A contractor may be hired to inspect a structure—or a specific part of a structure—to identify risks and correct them.

Damage repairs

When accidental damage is caused to a structure, a contractor will inspect the site and perform repairs to restore integrity.

Building restorations

Overtime, weather and use cause wear and tear. A contractor can restore or refurbish a structure to improve functionality and appearance.

How to track service work in construction

Large-scale service projects require a detailed schedule, budget, and work plan. Each day, work will need to be documented through daily reports and production tracking.

In the case of routine inspections or minor repairs however, service work is often a quick task that can be completed during a single workday.

No matter the size, if you have service task to complete, follow these steps to make sure you’re keeping safety top of mind and documenting your work properly:

  • Determine the service order number

  • Document the details

  • Assign workers

  • Track progress

  • Use a service work checklist

1. Determine the service order number

When you receive a service order, create a unique number to assign to the request. This will help you track the service order from receipt to completion.

2. Document the details

The more details you record about the service order, the better. Take note of who requested the service, the date the request was received, and the work area that will be affected. Describe the work that will be performed and include a thorough list of the required materials and equipment.

Once you understand the task and have a good idea of the resources you’ll need, draft a work schedule with an estimated start and end date for the service project.

3. Assign workers

Schedule the labor you’ll need to complete the service work and make sure you have enough staff available.

4. Track progress

Closely monitor progress as the service work is completed. Capture photo and video documentation for better visibility and review field reports on a daily basis to make sure the repairs or maintenance are proceeding as planned.

Share progress with the project owner and document all communications and approvals.

5. Use a service work checklist

Checklists take the responsibility of memorizing every step of the service work procedure off of your field contractors. With a checklist, they can follow the steps outlined above and fulfill all reporting requirements efficiently.

Get more checklists in our app

You can access a complete library of construction safety checklists —including this service work checklist—in our construction safety management app . Schedule a demo today and we’ll show you how our easy-to-use tools will help your business reduce risks and improve visibility.

construction checklist shown on Raken’s web and mobile app.

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