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Laceration Hazard and Injury Prevention Toolbox Talk

Educate your teams on the risks of laceration on the jobsite.

Laceration Hazard and Injury Prevention Safety

Cuts to the hands and fingers account for the majority of lacerations on jobsites today, and the U.S. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that these types of injuries result in over 110,000 lost time cases each year.

Today, we will explore common causes of jobsite lacerations and learn best practices for prevention.

How do laceration injuries happen?

Many jobsite injuries can be prevented if employees follow safety protocols and stay alert.

Lacerations are external cuts or tears that open wounds in the skin, resulting in bleeding. Severe lacerations may lead to severed fingers or badly wounded hands, and deep cuts into arteries or veins can have catastrophic results.

Common mistakes that lead to laceration injuries on the jobsite include:

  • Using the wrong tools for the task

  • Dull blades

  • Poor lighting

  • Clutter and debris near the site

  • Missing or broken safeguards

  • Failure to wear PPE

Proper and safe use of tools

Always use the appropriate tool for the work at hand. All team members should be educated on the proper use of all cutting and shearing tools.

Tools and machinery should be properly maintained and all safeguards should be repaired or replaced if damaged. Ensure the installed engineering controls are used and sharp components, as well as moving parts, are well guarded at all times.

Stop using dull tools

Never use dull blades or tools. Dull blades require more force to cut materials. Increasing force while cutting will negatively impact your control and stability and raise the likelihood of slips and skips.

Stabilize materials being cut

Always stabilize materials being cut, bent, drilled, etc. It is tempting to try and hold something in one hand while cutting it with a tool in the other, but this is a safety shortcut that can lead to serious injury.

Minimize the number of moving pieces every time you cut any material and stabilize the material before cutting. Use partners, clamps, push sticks, saw horses, tables, vices, and large work surfaces to keep your hands as far away from the cutting tools as possible.

Provide and use proper PPE

Make personal protective equipment available and required. Your site may require PPE like gloves, safety glasses, facemasks, and steel-toed shoes. PPE is the last line of defense for injury prevention, so it is crucial that PPE be provided and used.

Kevlar gloves or gloves made from other cut-resistant materials are excellent examples of PPE for your hands when sharp tools and machines are in use.

Store sharp objects properly

Store sharp objects and tools safely when not in use. Secure cutting devices and tools in containers to prevent accidental contact and injury. If the machines have covers to protect them from the elements, use them to protect people from their moving parts and cutting edges as well.

How do I treat a laceration?

Cuts and scrapes come with the territory in construction. Workers should know how to clean and bandage superficial wounds onsite. Likewise, proper use of a tourniquet, pressure, and basic CPR should be a part of jobsite safety training for all employees.

Basic first aid

When a laceration happens, stop the bleeding as soon as possible. This may require a clean bandage on the wound with pressure applied directly. If no clean bandage or gauze is available, use any cloth material you can find. Your primary concern at that moment is to stop the bleeding.

Once bleeding has stopped, if it is a minor, superficial wound, clean it with antiseptic and bandage it accordingly. If the wound is deeper or more serious, you will need to visit a physician to receive treatment like sutures, staples, or specialized glue and tape to keep the wound closed.

For deeper cuts and wounds that won't stop bleeding even with applied pressure, keep calm and keep applying pressure to the wound. If the bleeding continues without slowing, maintain pressure on the wound and contact EMS for further help.

Safety takes vigilance

Don't get complacent about potential hazards on the jobsite. One key to preventing accidents and injuries is to stay alert. Make safety a habit.

Learn to recognize unsafe situations

Scrap and debris are a part of every jobsite, but they do not need to be underfoot where people are working. Clean up spills and debris from the work floor to maintain the most secure footing and traction possible.

Mark hazards that cannot be resolved immediately so they are easily noticeable. Brightly colored signs, cones, flags, or tape can be used to visually alert people to any materials that they could mistakenly come into contact with that will cause bodily harm.

Use proper lighting

Recognize when there is not enough light to safely work. It is tempting to push through work at dusk to get it done before the next workday.

Be sure that, if you are going to work when the sunlight is waning or unavailable, there is proper lighting for the work to be done safely. Use portable light sources to prevent shadows. You need to see clearly to safely use tools and machines on the jobsite.

Regular scheduled breaks

Take scheduled breaks for safety. Prevent fatigue and complacency by reserving time each day for work to stop while workers complete a safety check of their area. This can include time for equipment maintenance and tool repair, PPE checks, removing debris and scrap materials to keep walking surfaces safe, and checking safety restraints and scaffolding.

Preventing laceration injuries is multifaceted

Lacerations to the hands are the most common and often the most detrimental injuries to workers on construction sites. Hand and finger injuries are the prevailing cause of injury-related missed work days.

Implement an ongoing strategy to prevent lacerations, including:

  • Safety training

  • Awareness

  • Prevention

Keep safety top of mind and be aware of your work environment. Take accountability and understand the steps you need to take for corrective action.

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