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Ladder Inspection Toolbox Talk

Learn how to ensure ladder safety with a thorough ladder inspection.

Ladder Inspection Safety Talk

Ladders are used on all jobsites big and small throughout the United States. There are a variety of job types that employees need to use ladders for—and there are many reports of injuries and fatalities sustained when using a ladder.

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, around 500,000 people were treated for ladder-related injuries in 2023, with 300 of those injuries being fatal. Workers must regularly inspect a ladder before use, as ladder inspections are one of the most reliable ways to avoid injuries or fatalities.

How to inspect a ladder

There are several types of ladders that you can choose from depending on the job that you’re doing. Every ladder is different and may require its own regulations for inspection. Your workplace may also have its own set of rules dictating what you are supposed to do in addition to the manufacturer's recommendations.

When first using a new ladder, you should carefully inspect it and follow all relevant guidelines. Some helpful guidelines that you should follow are:

  • Look for obvious damage or malfunctions.

  • Check for sharp or jagged edges that could cause harm or injuries.

  • Ensure you are on level ground before climbing up the ladder.

  • Check to make sure the ladder is sturdy when extended for use.

  • Inspect for missing pieces or items that may be loose and not in the correct position.

  • Look over the feet and pads of the ladder to ensure they are in proper running condition.

  • Ensure that all steps and rungs are secure.

  • Make sure all parts are functioning properly before climbing.

  • All tags and labels should be visible when using a ladder.

  • Never cover up issues with tape or paint on a ladder.

Help improve ladder inspections and improve your safety documentation with our ladder inspection checklist.

Always inspect the worksite

In addition to ladder inspections, you should always do a general overlook of the site when you are getting ready to start work. Ensure that the grounds are safe and suitable for what you are going to be doing.

This step is just as important as the ladder inspection. Some of the main areas that you should pay close attention to are:

Overhead power lines

There are an astonishing number of workers that are injured or killed due to issues with overhead power lines each year. It’s important to check the worksite and make note of where power lines are and if they are going to be too close to the worker while on a ladder. It can make the difference between life or death.

The terrain the ladder will be placed on

When you are climbing a ladder or up on a ladder working, you should always be on flat, sturdy ground. When you can’t do this, you should use some type of anchoring or have someone spot you from below. If the ladder is sitting on any type of loose, soft, or slippery ground, this could lead to an employee getting seriously injured.

The point that needs to be accessed

Using the correct type, size, and kind of ladder for the job that you are performing is very important. The height of the job being done should be measured prior to the beginning of the job. This can ensure that you have the right equipment for the job and that the employee performing the work is working as safely as possible.

Moving equipment or people

When someone is up on a ladder working, there should be someone below or signs noting that other people should stay clear of the work area. Having unnecessary movement below can result in someone getting hurt or accidentally moving the ladder.

Moving cars and heavy machinery should also be cleared from the area when someone is climbing and working on a ladder.

How to safely use a ladder

Ladder safety may seem easy and basic, but one wrong move on a ladder can result in serious injuries. You should always make sure you are educated on correct use before using a ladder.

Some ladder safety best practices are:

  1. Always follow the manufacturer instructions provided with the ladder and read the labels.

  2. Always climb up a ladder while facing the steps, and do the same when going back down.

  3. Make sure the steps are dry before you begin climbing and never use them when there is a chance of slipping.

  4. Have signs, barricades, or someone standing at the bottom of the ladder letting passers know that you are up on the ladder, making it so they can’t get too close and knock into it.

  5. Ladders should always be placed on level, sturdy, and stable ground to avoid injuries.

  6. Two hands and one foot should always be in contact with the ladder at all times.

  7. Always check for overhead power lines and how close you are to them.

What to do if someone falls from a ladder on the job

Workers get hurt every day by falling from ladders. Accidents can happen even when you take the proper safety measures.

Employees who work in areas where accidents, injuries, and fatalities could happen should have some basic knowledge of how to respond in the event of an incident.

Basic first aid

If employees know basic first aid steps and knowledge, they can assist and injured person until emergency personnel arrive. Some of the many things that they can assist with are:

  • Bandaging minor cuts and scrapes

  • Helping someone who is in shock

  • Knowing what to do if someone is poisoned

  • Helping when someone is burned

  • Performing CPR

  • Knowing how to stop bleeding

  • Knowing what to do if someone gets electrocuted

  • Knowing what an Epi-Pen is and how to use one

You never know if you are going to be the only one around when something happens, so it's important to be prepared.

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