Improve project visibility and jobsite communication with our construction photo documentation software. Featuring:
Time-stamped photos, videos, and attachments
Photo markup, watermarks, and descriptions
Web gallery updated in real time
Improve project visibility and jobsite communication with our construction photo documentation software. Featuring:
Time-stamped photos, videos, and attachments
Photo markup, watermarks, and descriptions
Web gallery updated in real time
Our easy-to-use construction photo app helps contractors visually document the jobsite in picture-perfect detail. Take jobsite photos and videos, add markups and custom watermarks, and attach them to reports right in our mobile app.
With Raken’s mobile construction photo app, field crews can quickly and easily collect jobsite photos and videos on the go. Add photo markup and descriptions to highlight critical details.
Time and date stamps are automatically added to all photos and videos captured in Raken. You can also enable custom photo watermarks with your company logo, project name, GPS coordinates, and more.
Photos are automatically attached to daily reports and included in real-time activity dashboards. All data captured in Raken can instantly be accessed from web and mobile through secure cloud storage integrations.
All your visual media is organized into project galleries within our app. Edit file names and captions, quickly search for specific photos and videos, and easily share with stakeholders for better engagement.
With an accurate record of jobsite progress, timestamped and watermarked, you’ll be ready for anything. With Raken’s construction photo management software, contractors can quickly identify areas for improvement and find historical data when you need it most—even after delivery.
Fast, easy photo documentation means better projects.
"Raken is a one-stop shop for time, comments, and photos. It definitely improves what you know about what's going on with all the jobs, plus it's easy to use."
Pat R., Office Manager and Estimator at Stonwerk Custom MasonryWe use cookies to manage and improve your website experience.