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Construction Timesheet App & Software

Better insights, faster payroll

Review, approve, and lock timesheets all in one place with our easy-to-use construction timesheet app for crews and individuals. Featuring:

  • Secure, flexible time entry

  • Automated approval flows

  • Protection against unapproved changes

Product Video: Timesheets.

Streamline time tracking

Eliminate manual reports and weekly emails with an easier way to collect and approve timesheets.

construction timesheet software.
Flexible Time Entry

Capture accurate data from the field

Use Raken’s flexible time entry options to accurately track hours and collect time data in real time—all time entered is rolled up into timesheets for review and approvals based on your settings.

clock icon.

Mobile worker time clock app

construction worker icon.

Shared time clock kiosk

watch icon.

Digital time cards

verification features on construction timesheet app.

Verification Features

Prevent time theft

Quickly identify potential time fraud with AI photo ID and location verification, plus improve compliance with custom clock in/out questions. 

Approving a construction timesheet in Raken.

Fast Approvals

Review, edit, and approve

Permission-based views allow workers (or supervisors) to review, edit, and approve their hours. Timesheets are then locked to protect against unapproved changes.

notification in Raken.

Easy Notifications

Send automated reminders

No more hunting down time cards—Right in our app, you can quickly notify crews who are late or forget to review and approve timesheets.

Simplify payroll

Process payroll faster and more accurately than ever before.

construction timesheet filters.

Detailed Timesheets

Get detailed data and granular insights

Easily filter time data for fast analysis and actionable insights. Drill down to view details and edit individual time cards as needed.

logos of accounting software Raken integrates with.

Accounting Integrations

Sync timesheets with your accounting software

Integrate Raken with your accounting software to eliminate duplicate data entry and save hours processing payroll every pay period.

green checkmark.

Error-free Payroll

Get your team paid on time

Raken’s construction timesheet app reduces payroll errors and keeps both the field and office happy with easy-to-use, time-saving web and mobile tools.

Streamline all your field workflows with Raken

We’re the field’s favorite app for time tracking, daily reports, safety management, and more.

bricks icon.

Production Tracking

clock icon.

Time Tracking

safety cone icon.

Safety Management

folder icon.

Document Management

money icon.

Budget Management

contractor using construction timesheet app on ipad.

"Raken has significantly reduced the time needed to put together and process payroll."

Peggy Y., Payroll Administrator

Try Raken’s construction timesheets app

See why the field and office love Raken with a personalized walkthrough.

Learn More

construction timesheet template.

Free Construction Timesheet Template

construction time clock app.

How to Manage Worker Time in Raken

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